Today we went sightseeing........started the day out with breakfast at the hotel.................
Mapped out our Metro route...............
We made it to Red Square and took several pictures. Most of them we have no idea what they are, but we had a good time!!
Another "wishing place" it was a very busy and popular spot......we both made our wishes and tossed a couple of coins also!!!
People we getting pictures taken with these characters............
We found our way to the Kremlin and took some more pictures of the outside of the buildings there......inside no photography allowed.
Our tickets -
Here we are at the entrance.
Another picture of the entrance and of the huge doors at the entrance........Lewis looked through an opening in the door to show just how big the doors are, .........
Outside of the Kremlin..............
Pretty warm day and people loved this fountain for cooling off......................
Our future Russian home.............