May 29, 2012 Water bottle pump and learning the microwave

This may not be a very exciting post today but it is what it is -
Since the water is not drinkable, and not even suitable to cook with we have to buy bottled water.  To make it easier it is common to get these big bottles instead of buying and hauling smaller bottles.  So when our translator called to see if we wanted to start having big bottles delivered we were more than happy to do this.  When we asked him the cost we were very surprised - For 2 - 18.6L bottles (approx 4.9 gallons each) it cost about (180 rubles) $5.78.  For those of you who use these bottles, isn't that a good price?  $2.89/5 gallon bottle of water.  The expensive part is the pump, but it is a great way to get the water out easily.  One time purchase and it is (400 rubles) $12.84.  So there you have it, our bottle water story!!! Exciting huh?

Next time you get an appliance or an electronic and you are looking through the instructions, don't get too frustrated with the "other languages" that are included with English.  We learned when we got our microwave that having an English speaking section was very helpful.  Although it is not real clear, at least they are readable to us.  So the following pictures let you see the challenge when operating something that is bought in Russia.  I decided to practice the language a bit and type some of these words into my translator app.........

Above the clock it says High, The Average (medium), and Low
On the bottom it says Defrost and The Finished Dish (not sure what that means)
On the right side it says kg and I don't know the next two words
The six buttons say - 1st one I have no idea, 2nd says Slide Menu (?) 3rd says Inverter Firing (?)
4th one says microwave, 5th one says The Finished Dish and 6th one says Inverter Turbo

The dial says Time/Weight
1st button "Saving the Recipe" 2nd Timer 3rd Watch 4th Stop/Reset 5th Start

Now that everyone has had their Russian lesson for the day, here is another food picture.  This is something we got the very first shopping trip we went on.  Konstantin said that it was really good and that all you have to do is warm them up in the microwave or cook in some oil in the frying pan.

At the time we didn't have the translator app.  When we ate them the other day we both said it tasted liked ham and cheese crepes.  Today when I translated the words on the package low and behold, this is what came up.
Left upper corner - Just Reheat
Middle of Package - Jack Frost (brand name) Pancakes
Bottom left corner - Ham and Cheese

Not too bad tasting......


  1. I have to say they don't look that delicious but enough to eat after a long day of work - wink! The MW leason very interesting - glad you are posting about the language difficulty

  2. One more thing I was going to say is in Mexico we paid 10 pesos that = .75 cent U.S for our 5 gal. water.. I am surprised I thought there were not water issues..
