March 31 MORE SNOW???

March 31st

This last day of March we woke up to several inches of new snow.  BUT the prospects of that long awaited temperature of 40 degrees or above looks like it is just around the corner…………, maybe today?




Sorry to report that it never made it to the 40’s the high stayed in the lower 30’s!!!

March 30 It is, as my dad would say, a "hunker down" kind of day!!!

March 30th

It is a very cold and snowy, stay in the apartment kind of Saturday.  So glad that we don’t have to go out today.  BUT, tomorrow’s forecast is looking good……………..




March 29 Last chance for the frozen lake pictures

March 29th

Last night there was a beautiful and eerie sight in the sky.  A storm was coming in and the contrast of a full moon and moving clouds was very interesting to us.  There are some figures that can be seen in these clouds I believe, but I will allow your imagination to see what you see and not what we see.


Several days ago a couple of pictures were posted showing people walking across the frozen river but they were not real clear due to the fact that I took them while in a moving car.  We had to run some errands and had the opportunity to walk onto this bridge that we usually only drive across.  Not sure how much longer this river will be frozen enough for people to walk across so this may be my last opportunity this winter to get these pictures.


When we got back to the apartment several kids were outside having a snowball fight, also had built a couple of snowmen.


March 28 The "bag" ladies!!!

March 28th

When we go to the store for groceries we bring our “Wal Mart” canvas bags with us.  There is a lady who is at the entrance to the store and you have to give her the bags and they are sealed up in a blue bag.  Then when you are done paying for the groceries you take the bags out and put the groceries into them.  This is an interesting process.  Other stores have lockers outside of them for you to leave shopping bags in because they don’t want you taking them into the store.

This is the lady that is usually the one who works there –


But we have seen these two ladies occasionally but not often!!!

March 26 Could have been fun.......

March 26th

Today is the circus in Velikie Luki.  We have seen signs for it for several weeks and were thinking it would be fun to go to a circus in Russia, but unfortunately this time we cannot go because of work.  That’s ok, maybe next time.

March 25 What's on the backside?

March 25th

I realized that I had never been to the back of our apartment building before, so I walked back there and took a couple of pictures.  The window with the square around it is our bedroom window where I take a lot of pictures from especially the ones of the garden.  I noticed that there are a lot more “dishes” back there than in front and also some people’s balconies are in the back.  Interesting to see things from a “different side”


March 24 Interesting Candies

March 24th

These candies don’t look so tasty to me because I don’t particularly like “gummy” type things, BUT they did have a lady bug candy and that warranted a picture!!!


March 22 Good looking

March 22nd

What a good looking young man……..I’m talking about Lewis even though Sergey ended up in the picture somehow too.


March 21 The First day of What?????

March 21st

It is the first day of spring……..doesn’t look too much like spring in our part of the world!!!

March 20 Funny Hat

March 20th

I thought that the way this man wore his Russian hat was kind of funny. Just sits on top of his head…….I think his ears might still be cold.


March 19 Walking on the river

March 19th

I have been trying for many days and weeks to capture a picture of people walking across the river before it thaws out (if that ever happens), for now this is as good of a picture as I can get from a moving car.


March 18 Unusual icicles

March 18th

In this barn it is so cold that the dripping from the ceiling to the ground formed icicles going from the ground up, instead from the roof down.  Very interesting!!


March 17 Sled Ride

March 17th

The snow ended yesterday after about 24 hours of snowing and blowing.  It is hard to see how much snow we got exactly because of the drifts.


Notice the sunrise and sunset times, they are almost exactly 12 hours apart.  Before we know it the sun will be going down close to midnight again.
Before anyone asks or wonders, that is not an accurate picture of where we are living!!
 While I was looking outside today I saw a man pulling a child in a sled.  It was hard to get a close shot from my point of view inside the apartment on the 4th floor, but if you look real close you can see it.


Then I went into the kitchen for something and wondered if they were still outside.  Luckily I had my video camera ready because they were not so far away and also I caught something unexpectedly……..the child fell off, and the adult pulled him forward to check if he was OK………


March 16 Beautiful sparkly snow

March 16th

I caught a few pictures of the sun catching light on the snow.  So pretty!!!