April 19 Fire Trucks and BIG sucker!!

April 19th

The other day we realized we had never seen a fire truck while being in Russia.  That is not necessarily a bad thing because that means no fires, but as soon as we realized we had never seen one the next day one went past the office.  I didn’t have the camera ready in time, but today as we pulled into the office parking lot we heard sirens and Lewis said here comes more fire trucks, so I got out of the car quick and took a picture.  Then another one came by, took another picture.  Then we saw two police cars and three more fire trucks, I wish I had the video camera running, but I didn’t.  So here is proof that fire trucks exist in Russia.


Later this day we did our weekly food shopping.  While waiting in line at the checkout we saw these HUGE Chupa suckers.  I think that a picture of them has been submitted before, but this time there is a story that goes along with the picture.  Lewis picked up the sucker and asked if we had taken a picture of it before for the blog, I said I think so but not sure.  So he said we will take one just in case and he acts like he is going to lick it and I take a picture.  Then one of the security people that roam around the store came up to us speaking Russian of course and we couldn’t understand what she was saying, but we figured out that she didn’t want pictures taken in the store.  Not sure why, but it made for a good blog story anyway.  We got chewed out for something and have no idea what was said!! 

1 comment:

  1. the fire truck look a little older aged and small but it's red that's important .. handsome brother is doing well I see - wink!
