June 30 2012 Produce scale, deli foods and secret gift for Lewis

Last day of the month......

We went shopping today at the ORANGE store for food and other misc items.  I keep forgetting to take a picture of something that we think is very cool at the grocery store. 
With produce, instead of having it weighed and the price calculated at the check out register, you put the items into a bag then you go over to this little machine, place the bag of items onto the scale and push the number button that corresponds to what you are buying.  For instance carrots might be #5, cucumbers #47 etc.  A little sticker pops out of the side and you place it onto your bag.
This way you know ahead of time how much it will cost.  It is verrrrrrrrrry cool!!!

 Cabbage must be growing like crazy right now.....look at the size of these things!!!

Thought I would take a picture of some of the food items that can be bought at this store.  Don't ask me what they are......I just took the pictures to show some of what we see!!!

Can you keep a secret????? OK, don't tell Lewis, but I think I will buy him a set of these for Christmas!!! (I saw him looking at them today)


  1. I wont tell Lewis about the........ my lips are sealed.......

  2. Funny funny Lewis -- anyway - that's cool to weigh your veggies or fruit before hand - I would like that here..please! One question for ya - the other photos of the prepared food - do you help yourself or does someone get the food items for you? Because in Mexico the stores where we shopped - you could helped yourself - and we could not bring ourselves to buy the food that way..and out in the open walk ways. I am sure we missedout..wink!

  3. I've been catching up on your blog...you will be so happy you documented all this....makes for a great blurb book.
    Glad things are going well.
