October 24 Sightseeing

October 24 Sightseeing - The Great Wall of China

Here is the sign that shows the different parts of the Great Wall of China. First you have to walk through this market type place and be bombarded with people wanting you to buy their goods.


We took the ski lift up to one of the points of the Wall and took a few picture of the view. Also we read this sign that was posted on the ski lift and it made us laugh.

If special circumstances longer stop, the passengers have to wait (as if you have a choice) Then is says emergency rescue phone # (as if there is a phone on the lift to use to dial this number.....ha ha, and cell phones don't work up there)


Now that we made it up here, do we really have to come back down?

Psssst.....he went that way!!!
He's so adorable......but not too shy!!
Someone's after us...........

..........Oh, it's just Albert!!!


Directions anyone?
This is how we went up to walk on the Great Wall.........

..........and when we were ready to go completely down to the bottom, we did it like this!!!


1 comment:

  1. AWESOME - totally -- what other word to use for your experience here -- can't find it.. Thrill for you both.. Cool cool no it has to be AWESOME!
