November 21-24 Thanksgiving with the Birds

Nov 21-24 Thanksgiving with the Birds
Since the weather was good we headed out to Wyoming for Thanksgiving with Aimee and Josh and their family. Lewis and I had a great time with them, unfortunately Lewis came down with a bad cold/cough/flu or something and so he didn’t feel as well as normal for the visit.

On the drive there we went a little out of the way and passed through a few towns that Lewis grew up in.  I liked what this billboard sign said so took a picture of it.


Thanksgiving dinner was great.  Aimee did a great job in preparing it for everyone; she made the place settings, so talented.  The grandkids made their own placemats with their handprints looking like the turkey body.  Very clever.  Since most everyone loves deviled eggs we divided them up into section and put little name flags on them so that no one got gypped out of their fair share.  Ha Ha!!!





Kelan posing for the camera


Homemade turkey soup and dessert after with whip cream




  1. That was SO fun! It makes me sad looking at the pictures....good times :)

  2. Lots of memories here - love it!!
