May 22, 2012 How do I use the washing machine?

May 22, 2012
I tried to figure the washing machine out since it is coming on 2 weeks since no washing of clothes and this machine is so small it will take forever to accomplish the task.  So I tried to remember what Konstantin had told me last week, but it wasn't making much sense.  So I scanned some pages of the instructions to Yulia and asked for some interpretations.  It is still different the way they word things and do things, but I think I have it figured out.  It will probably take about 20 loads to catch up and then I better do it every other day!!! 
The clothesline outside need replacing so the clothes are being dried on a drying rack in the living room for now. 


  1. YOu all are making some fun and good memories. I was lucky to have a american washer, the base hock us up one when we lived off base in Germany so I didn't have to figure theirs out, but my landlords hers was a washer and dryer all in one, she would hang her clothes right there in the basement. Good luck.

  2. I can relate here with you...
