March 14 One hump or two?

March 14th

Check out these pictures, so cool!!! 


A Camel sign, never seen one of these before!!!

How about this car? 

I did some investigating about camels since I was under the common misunderstanding that they store fluid in their humps.  Interesting facts about camels are –

1.        An adult camel weighs between 700 and 1,500 (318 to 680 kg) and is up to 7 feet (2.1 meters) tall.

2.      Camels can live to be up to 50 years old.

3.      Camels gestate about 11 months and give birth to one calf.

4.      A male reaches maturity in five years, a female in three to four years.

5.      Camels actually have three eyelids! Two of them have lashes, and the third is thin.

6.      A camel can close its nostrils.

7.       A camel like a goat, will eat almost anything.

8.      Pack camels can carry loads of 400 pounds 25 miles (181 kg 40 km) in a day.

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