March 5 Another simple pleasure in life

March 5th

I am so excited (of course over something that is a strange thing to be excited over)…..recently I found one of my favorite foods at the store where we get our groceries each week “Quinoa”. 

One problem though, we had a regular colander to rinse it with and the little quinoa seeds fell through.  So since it is necessary to rinse quinoa before cooking it I was so happy to see a very tight mesh colander at another store we were shopping at and grabbed this wonderful little gadget up.  (Remember the post about the store with the ladybug lounge share and tree light? It was that exact store that the colander came from)

By the way in case you do not know how to pronounce “Quinoa” here it is - "KEEN-wah”

1 comment:

  1. Yeah -- a wonderful tool to be added to the world of many wonderful conveniences!!
