June 29, 2012 water delivery, organization and bread/milk

We have been here 7 weeks today, sometimes it feels like it, but mostly time has gone by really fast!!

We got our water bottles delivered and the process goes like this.....
1. We tell Konstantin when we are ready for more water,
2.  He calls the place and they tell him when they will deliver. 
3. Konstantin calls us and tells us when they will deliver.

Day of delivery.......
1. The man calls Konstantin to let us know he is here and then Konstantin calls us and Lewis goes downstairs to let him in (because we have a security system at the entrance door)......
2.  The man follows Lewis upstairs and we pay him, but he doesn't have a receipt....
3.  So we get Konstantin on the speaker phone and have him tell the man what we need.  He doesn't have it on him.......
4.  So Lewis goes downstairs again to get the receipt from the man's delivery truck!!! 

All that for clean water........too funny!!!

Another thing that makes me verrrrrrry happy, we got containers to put our boots and work clothes in....Now I don't have to worry about getting the manure from Konstantin and Lewis' things onto my things that will stay somewhat manure free!!!

Lewis' favorite meal..........BREAD and MILK!!! (this is one of the few things that we DO NOT have in common!!!)


  1. Thank goodness for the bread and milk..... rub my belly and pat my head......... great job babe.

  2. That look like home made. That's a ANDERSON meal- indeed! But hey, are you crazy - if your going to have a bowl of bread use cream..wink!

  3. I've heard it called pobs. "Uncle Thomas champed at his pobs and then proceeded to lie down on the couch and start snoring." Fresh bread and fresh milk. I think it is a Yorkshire tradition. I read about it in Albert Pierrepoint's biography.
    Perhaps similar to 'cornbread and buttermilk' in the south?


  4. This is nutritious, I'll try this in my breakfast. Thanks for for sharing.
