May 31 2012 Train waiting and looking down the stairs

This is the first time we have had to stop and wait on a train.  They have flashing lights to warn of the oncoming train and usually there is a person who stands there to enforce people to stop.  Not sure how that works, if they hold their hand out or actually stand in the way of traffic.  This train was already going when we approached so I thought the people standing to the side were the ones that stop the traffic and I took a picture of them but they were only maintenance workers...... included it anyway.

When the train was gone, the lights were still flashing and the sound it makes is like a phone ringing.  Konstantin says in his interesting English, "I must wait here until the lights stop flashing.  If not the police stop me, I give them driver's license and say bye bye driver's license"

I keep wanting to take a picture of the 7 flights of stairs we climb to our here you's a long way down there to the bottom floor!!!


  1. O my goodness - that's a lot of stair climbing for everyday. Talk about your legs and butt getting in shape = PAIN! - wow - and plus if you are carrying a load in your arms..gee O my!
    Hope you are smiling at the top looking down and saying I'm still alive - wink!

  2. I meant to comment about the train - I like how you captured number 5 photo.. seeing your car near the tracks and the train
