June 3 2012 Sunflower seed and a pinterest lesson

New item to try from the store.  Sunflower seeds.  Not a new food, but a new way.  WE could tell they were sunflower seeds because of the sunflower picture on the packaging.  They were in different packages and since I can't read Russian I asked Konstantin what it said........This one is regular unsalted -

This one is XXL unsalted, honestly they looked only slightly larger than the ones above.......

This one is salted......as indicated by the salt shaker on the package.....again, thank goodness for pictures!!

This is how they actually look inside, whether salted or unsalted.  Both regular and XXL are shown, but hard to really tell the difference.

Now, how to store them since the unsalted ones did not come in a "zippered" package.  Thank goodness for Pinterest. For those readers who have never seen this before, like me, I took step by step pictures on how to make this cool little gadget. It works great too.

Gotta love Pinterest no matter where you are!!!


  1. Adventures in shopping- pinterest is very helpful at times.
    Happy Day

  2. totally cute packaging and you found a cool idea.. glad you shared or I would still not had this information..wink!
