June 2 2012 Food shopping and frequent shopper card

It has been 9 days since we went to the grocery store.  When we pulled into the parking space this is how Konstantin parked.  Lewis said, "If you were in the states you would get a ticket"  Konstantin says "I know I have seen many American movies and TV shows"

The first things you see in this store is these children's toys.  I have seen many adults pushing their children on similar things only with a long handle to keep them going the right direction.  I think Lewis wanted one, but after seeing the price, forget it!!!  1513 rubles ($44.96)

Check out these pineapples, I don't think there is much fruit in them.........

We are now the official owners of an "Orange Store" frequent shopper program.  We start off with a huge 1.5% discount, but if we shop enough and pay enough it could increase to a 5% discount........we will keep you posted on that one!!!


  1. Thanks Babe what a great job you do at this. I have fun reading about what we do also.

  2. I agree with Lewis -- I am having enjoying you blg too reading and seeing all the photos -- it's almost like I am living your experiences.. So Thanks for the blog...

  3. O one more thing -- the parked car - it looks a lot like how Cabo people parked too..wink!
