June 28 2012 Bagged milk holders

The milk we drink comes in a bag.  When we got to the apartment the first night they had left some food for us in the refrigerator and some milk.  When we first used the milk we had a dilemma, how do we store it without it spilling?  So we used the only thing we could think of at the time..............

We found something at the store to hold the milk in and it seemed to work well for a while.........

...............until we were properly instructed on what to use for our bag of milk, then the dilemma was how to keep it closed between uses, well you see how we solved that problem!!!!


  1. Milk in a bag. That's weird. Do they not have plastic or cardboard in Russia?

  2. nice combo -- living with what works..And is that how all "milk" comes in?? Now how about a milkshake - all that's missing is Ice Cream - yumm - oh, wait do you have a blender? wink

  3. That's how it was n Canada when we went up in 2008, remember? They had the containers like the one you found to put it in, too.

  4. Sara-when I saw this picture that is what I thought of too when we had to buy the milk in plastic bag in Canada :) Aimee
